Warmer months down under heralds the festive season. It’s that time of year when friends and family get together to soak up in the fun and festivities of Christmas and New Year. The parties and celebrations go hand in hand with a lot of food and drinks.
Also, during the peak of the hot summer months, most people want to enjoy a scoop of ice cream or chew on the ice cube to keep themselves cool.
While partying and gorging on ice cream sounds fantastic, it can often throw you off your dental regime. Here are some tips to help you thoroughly enjoy the festivities and outdoor activities without compromising your oral health:
Avoid Chewing Ice Cubes
As the mercury starts going up, it’s common to sip on cold drinks or chew ice cubes. While it may keep you cool during the super-hot Australian summer, chewing on hard substances like ice cubes can pose a risk to your teeth. It can result in teeth getting chipped or cracked, causing unbearable pain.
Also, it is advisable not to attempt opening the bottle or mud crab with your teeth. If you face such a dental emergency while holidaying, visit your nearest dentist at the earliest.
Get Your Sports Safety Gear Properly
Aussies love being outdoors, and summer is the perfect time to play outdoor sports. However, with an increased number of people playing sports, sports-related dental injuries see a spike. Broken teeth are one of the most common injuries. It can be excruciating, and the road to recovery is long and challenging. Therefore, it’s essential to take all the safety precautions and wear proper gear to avoid such injuries. If you suffer from any such dental emergency, it’s advised to visit the nearest hospital.
Keep Yourself Hydrated
When the temperature touches the sky, it becomes extremely important to stay hydrated. Dehydration not only affects your physical well-being but also increase the risk of tooth decay. Without adequate fluid or saliva in your mouth, the sugar or acid we consume gets free rein on the teeth. When combined with the oral bacteria, it can lead to complete disaster. In between all sweets, wine, soft drinks and a beach holiday, it’s important to consume at least a bottle of plain water to keep yourself hydrated and protect your teeth.
The best way to maintain your teeth and gums in top condition is to make sure you are off to the best start. Get in touch with your dentist to get more information and guidance to know how to protect your teeth during summers.
Contact Aura Dentists today and get a complete dental check-up before you kick off your summer celebrations.